The Summer 2021 MCQ Based Online Examination is proctored through online invigilator. The online invigilator on noticing suspicious actions on part of examinee sends the warming message to the examinee through chat box. Some typical suspicious behaviour and corresponding warnings are as under;
Warning No. 1
Suspicious Action: Poor Visibility of Student due to bad or improper light.
Warning Message: You are not visible properly. Adjust your position such that adequate light falls on your face. If you do not comply, you will be booked for malpractice case.
Warning No. 2
Suspicious Action: Examinee not present before the screen.
Warning Message: You have moved away from screen of your device. This may lead to registering of malpractice case against you.
Warning No. 3
Suspicious Action: The person present in front of examination screen changes in between.
Warning Message: Examinee is impersonated by other person. A malpractice case is being registered against you.
Warning No. 4
Suspicious Action: Examinee seen with additional communication device (Mobile / Tablet ) while giving online examination.
Warning Message: You appear accessing information while giving online examination. This may lead to registering of malpractice case against you.
Warning No. 5.
Suspicious Action: Additional person appears along with examinee.
Warning Message: You are taking help of other person for your online examination. This may lead to registering of malpractice case against you.
Warning No. 6.
Suspicious Action: Examinee seen referring to book / notes /reference material.
Warning Message: You are copying during examination. This may lead to registering of malpractice case against you.
Warning No. 7.
Suspicious Action: Examinee seen talking.
Warning Message: You are talking during the examination. This may lead to registering of malpractice case against you.
Warning No. 8.
Suspicious Action: Examinee's online examination is interrupted frequently.
Warning Message: You are interrupting online examination intentionally. This may lead to registering of malpractice case against you.
Warning No. 9.
Suspicious Action: Examinee appears to frequently looking away from screen.
Warning Message: You appear to get help from other sources during examination. This may lead to registering of malpractice case against you.
Warning No. 10.
Suspicious Action: Any other suspicious action not listed above.
Warning Message: You are indulging in unfair practice during examination. This may lead to registering of malpractice case against you.
- The warning message pops up in a window on the online examination screes of examinee.
- Once the warning message pops up, solving a question on the screes or proceeding further with the examination is disabled.
- The examinee should read the warning message and press the "Okay Noted" button on the window so that the pop up window vanishes and the examination can be continued.
- The online examination timer continues countdown when the warning message is on the screen. The examinee loses time of online examination as long as the warning message is not noted by the examinee.
- The warnings issued to examinee are recorded by the exam software.
- Not complying with warnings received from invigilator will lead repetition of warning and will further lead to registering of malpractice case against the examinee.
- The credibility and reliability of the results of any examination depends on the sanctity of the examination process.
- The sanctity of examination comes by strict adherence to rules and regulations.
- Social media platforms propagate distracting information misleading innocent students to indulge in unfair practices.
- MSBTE on its part has lodged complaint with state Police department/appropriate authorities of social media against perpetrators of misleading information on social media.
- Hence do not indulge in any sort of unfair means while attempting the online examination.
MSBTE Instructions for Students Regarding Summer 2021 MCQ Based Online Examination
- MSBTE has released official circular of instructions/guidelines for students regarding Summer 2021 MCQ Based Online Examination.
The theory examinations of MSBTE Summer-2021 for all AICTE approved diploma programmes and Pharmacy is scheduled to commence from 13th July 2021. These examinations are MCQ based and in online mode
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- There are 4 ways to check MSBTE FINAL Time Table for Summer 2021 Examination Read More....
- Visit MSBTE official website ››
- Then go to Online Activities ›› MSBTE Online Activities
- In that you can see all online activities of 2020-2021. Read More....
MSBTE FINAL Time Table for Summer 2021 MCQ Examination - ( Released ).
» Maharashtra State Board of Technical Eduction (MSBTE), has realesed the FINAL Time Table for MSBTE level MCQ Online Examination Summer 2021.
How to check FINAL Time Table for Summer 2021 Examination ?
MSBTE has released the Hall Ticket (Admit Card) for Summer 2021 examination.
» Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE), has released the Hall Ticket (Admit Card) for Summer 2021 examination. Students can download or view their hall ticket by entering their Enrollment Number.
How to download summer 2021 hall ticket?
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